DuBox: No-Prior Box Objection Detection via Residual Dual Scale Detectors


Traditional neural objection detection methods use multi-scale features that allow multiple detectors to perform
detecting tasks independently and in parallel. At the same time, with the handling of the prior box, the algorithm’s
ability to deal with scale invariance is enhanced. However, too many prior boxes and independent detectors will
increase the computational redundancy of the detection algorithm. In this study, we introduce Dubox, a new one-stage
approach that detects the objects without prior box. Working with multi-scale features, the designed dual scale residual unit makes dual scale detectors no longer run independently. The second scale detector learns the residual of the first. Dubox has enhanced the capacity of heuristic-guided that can further enable the first scale detector to maximize the detection of small targets and the second to detect objects that cannot be identified by the first one. Besides, for each scale detector, with the new classification-regression
progressive strapped loss makes our process not based on prior boxes. Integrating these strategies, our detection algorithm has achieved excellent performance in terms of speed and accuracy. Extensive experiments on the VOC, COCO object detection benchmark have confirmed the effectiveness of this algorithm.

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PyramidBox++: High Performance Detector for Finding Tiny Face


With the rapid development of deep convolutional neural network, face detection has made great progress in recent years. WIDER FACE dataset, as a main benchmark, contributes greatly to this area. A large amount of methods have been put forward where PyramidBox designs an effective data augmentation strategy(Data-anchor-sampling) and context-based module for face detector. In this report, we improve each part to further boost the performance, including Balanced-dataanchor-sampling, Dual-PyramidAnchors and Dense Context Module. Specifically, Balanced-data-anchor-sampling obtains more uniform sampling of faces with different sizes. Dual-PyramidAnchors facilitate feature learning by introducing progressive anchor loss. Dense Context Module with dense connection not only enlarges receptive filed, but also passes information efficiently. Integrating these techniques, PyramidBox++ is constructed and achieves state-of-the-art performance in hard set.

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Pyramidbox 人脸检测

Table of Contents


人脸检测是经典的计算机视觉任务,非受控场景中的小脸、模糊和遮挡的人脸检测是这个方向上最有挑战的问题。PyramidBox 是一种基于SSD的单阶段人脸检测器,它利用上下文信息解决困难人脸的检测问题。如下图所示,PyramidBox在六个尺度的特征图上进行不同层级的预测。该工作主要包括以下模块:LFPN、Pyramid Anchors、CPM、Data-anchor-sampling。具体可以参考该方法对应的论文 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.07737.pdf ,下面进行简要的介绍。

Pyramidbox 人脸检测模型

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